Going out and selling each day is a tough job.You face adversity and challenge that most people don’t know.One of the keys to selling is the commitment to winning deals.This commitment starts in your head.Many sales are won or lost based on your commitment and will to get a sale.When you enter a sales situation you need to be more committed to working with the client than they are about not working with you.If they are wishy-washy and you are committed, who do you think wins?You do.
If you approach each sale driven with hope instead of commitment – then you are as wishy-washy as your prospective client and that will never aid you in getting deals.
Get up each day and know that you are going to win some new clients.Remind yourself as you walk into each meeting and see how your mastery of mind wins people over.
What are the things you have hated about every job you ever had?What things did your old boss or manager do that drove you wild or made you feel bad?Often realizing what didn’t empower you gives insight into what you need to avoid as a leader.
Although we like to work in the positive of “do these things”, we also can formulate those by recognizing what didn’t work with us and making sure we don’t do it to others.
People love FREE. It’s usually something they want or can use, sometimes not, but people always respond to free. When you are selling into a new account or company you need to provide some value without asking for anything. Free is a great way to do that. I don’t know you. I don’t trust you. But when you offer me something for free I start to think I can trust you and you are looking out for me – which builds trust fast. Make it a free trial, a free demo, a free sample, a free whitepaper, a free study, a free assessment (a real assessment not a sale wrapped as an assessment).
Find something to give away and people will open their doors to you for more sales.
Every leader – whether good or bad – was at one point an employee. As an employee we all have things we loved about our previous bosses. We often also have things that we hated. Take a moment to think about all the things you loved as an employee. What empowered you? What made you feel great?
Make a list of these things and post it in a place where you will see it and do those things with your team.
How many times do you call back people that are just calling to touch base?Well, for most people it is rarely.We get too many calls, emails and have too many tasks to get around to touching base.I have friends that I really do want to catch up with and we still have trouble finding time – and they are friends!
When you call someone or leave them a message give them a reason to call back.Tell them about new features they may want.Tell them about a new program you have.Give them an update on news in the industry.
Elude to them there is reason for your call and benefit to them. If you do this well, getting people to return your call will be easier than ever!