In your work, what do you know about your peers, your boss or your team? Do you have any information on them personally? Do you actively look for ways to build relationship and enhance your daily work experience? So often people say, well when someone takes an interest in me then I'll take an interest in them. Unfortunately, if you want an interest taken in you, you need to go out and take an interest first. Give to get. Want to create value so that your job, your department or your company are so valuable that you can never be fired, downsized or fail? Go after all the relationships you can. Internally and externally.
Sure performance is still important but when combined with strong relationship it is unbreakable. Your clients, co-workers and employees will go the extra mile only when they know you, like you and share with you.
Try this. Take time each week and call a client and talk to them. Not about the product/service but about them. Sure, it will seem strange the first week but you will get it soon enough. Just call and talk. Start with the weather and have 5 other generic topics to cover. Now go do the same things with someone in your office. Just go to their office and talk - about them!! Not for 2 hours but for 10 minutes. Learn something new about that person. Finally, log the information in a database or on a notepad. Why? Because we can't keep all the details about every person in our head! Yes, cheat a little. Cheat with the notes but be sincere in expanding your work relationships every week.
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