Monday, April 27, 2009

Compensation for Contribution

So often we fall into this idea that we get paid to show up at work. Really that is true only for a short period of time. In the longer term analysis, as people realize your limited contribution and effort, you jeopardize your position and security. Contribution is really what you are being compensated for. Not just contribution to the widget or service your company produces but also contribution to the culture, contribution to the community and even, on a daily basis, to the energy of the group.

So when you arrive at work each day, how many ways are you thinking about contribution? Are you showing up to manage your coffee and your email? Probably not. Most people are there to give some input and help in some capacity. How committed are you to really contributing to the success of the organization? Do you know what type of contribution is even expected of you?

If you aren’t contributing each day in a variety of ways then you aren’t giving it your all. You need to look at the way you work and the approach you take and ask yourself; am I contributing like this today:

1) To the morale and betterment of the people in my office and organization?

2) Am I giving energy to the people around me?

3) Am I giving energy to the solutions to our problems (or just keying in on the problems themselves)?

4) With new ideas, original ideas or collaborative ideas (you get paid to think)?

5) To the community outside of my organization – independently or with the company?

6) To the profitability of the business or organization?

7) To the improvement of my skills, knowledge and expertise?

Focus on contribution in all of these areas and watch your career effortlessly expand and flourish as you reap what you sow.

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