You, your customers, your team and co-workers all have pre-conceived notions and ideas that form your beliefs around work. It could be beliefs around pricing, effort, money, whether you’re better at sales. The beliefs you start each day with determine your effectiveness in sales, in customer service, in leadership. It impacts what you make each year as income.
Here are some key exercises to master your mindset and identify your limitations:
- How do you define your skills and abilities? Ask yourself this, what am I not good at? Make a list. Now let us ask, how do you know? Is it an opinion, or a fact? Very often people’s limitations are based on a belief about what they can’t do. It’s an opinion that they are “not really creative”, “not good with numbers” or “bad in front of clients”. Is this really true? Most of the time it is a lack of practice and a belief in that limitation which creates the result. Look at what your list is; now write out what you would need to do to get good at these things. What would you need to practice? Where could you get help? Who could mentor you? Creating an action plan of steps to improve a limitation often uncovers its temporary nature.
- Play Out the Ideal in Your Head – if you want to get comfortable with a new belief you need to play with it in your imagination. For example, if you aren’t making enough money, you need to start to imagine what it might be like to make double or triple. What would you spend it on? What would those big paychecks feel like to receive? Write one out to yourself. Once you really start to enjoy imagining the new situation it is easier to start to say, how could I do it? It starts with you feeling comfortable before you start to create it.