Evolve Business Group was one of the sponsors of a WIIFM Productions presentation June 29th featuring Russell Hunter from the Human Performance Institute (http://www.hpinstitute.ca). During his talk, Russell likened a business person to a high performing athlete. There are chronic demands on energy and over time if the appropriate measures are not taken the life span of a “corporate athlete” is diminished. The key point is that energy is the fundamental currency of high performance.
In order to perform at one’s best there are four principles of personal energy management to assess:
Principle number 1 is energy is four dimensional. The four dimensions of energy are: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. All four dimensions are connected and work to create either physical or emotional based energy. The ideal situation is to move between quadrants of high physical energy & low physical energy along with positive emotional energy. This allows for opportunity based energy.
Principle number 2 is energy investment requires renewal. It is important to be able to have “micro-recovery” so that you can have sustained performance. Check in with yourself and ask what are already doing to recover in small ways throughout the day? Some examples are: getting up and stretching periodically, walking at lunch or taking a book and reading over a break.
Principle number 3 is stress is not the enemy. Stress is created simply by how we frame situations and things and attach meaning to them. Studies have shown that by experiencing “training stress” the capacity for performance increases. In other words stress is important in stretching our abilities and creating learning.
Principle number 4 is willpower is overrated. 95% of how we perform is determined by non conscious habitual behaviours. Only 5% is conscious and self-regulated behaviours. By creating specific performance rituals, these will become embedded in the 95% of non conscious habitual behaviours.
By doing a quick self assessment and a process of development based on these 4 principles, you will be on your way to becoming a corporate athlete. Enlist a partner to create performance rituals or consult us at Evolve (results@evolvebusinessgroup.com) and get training!